They rattle in my mind
stir on my tongue
roil in my gut
words I compose
as Letters to the Editor
It’s my citizen’s right
of free speech
to express my thoughts
to agree or disagree
with the expressions or deeds of others
But composure
are required in these pithy epistles
understandably so
Yet daily I read and hear
leaders, journalists, celebs of all fields
spew lies, fling words of vulgarity
infantile, puerile, fatuous names
straight out of a sandbox
I rant and rave seethe at them,
corruption, corporate greed, and crime
censorship banning the reality
of toxic metals chemicals pesticides
in our air, food, and medical care
And so it’s futile for me to write
letters to the editor only to have them
marked dead and shredded
but how consoled and calmed I am
writing a poem like this