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A 7.5 on the Richter Scale

my head rested on his smooth chest,

never knowing it lay on a fault line,

never knowing such fragility existed

just beneath the rib cage;


it wasn’t until I felt the tremors,

saw him tilt off kilter

that I understood the gravity

of loving blind;


how cruel to be upended,

swallowed by a fissure,

buried beneath the rubble of lies;

mercy allowed deep breaths,


allowed shouts for help and strength

to reach a stranger’s fingers

right before the last thread of daylight

was pulled from the sky.

Arvilla Fee has been published in numerous presses, and her poetry books, The Human Side and This is Life, are available on Amazon. Arvilla travels with snacks, and her favorite quote is: "It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” ~ Henry David Thoreau.

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